Welcome and thank you for choosing Three Rivers Dental! It is our goal to assist you in obtaining and maintaining dental health. We hope to make your visit informative and pleasurable.
Your First Visit in Our Columbia Falls Office
Your first visit will be 1.5 hours. Dr. Evon Heaser will examine your teeth, perform a head and neck cancer screening, review necessary x-rays, make an assessment of your oral condition, and discuss the findings with you. You will meet several of our team members who will assist Dr. Evon in completing your oral health evaluation. After Dr. Evon has completed your examination we will discuss with you your treatment needs including the cost. Depending on the treatment plan, this will take place on your first visit or at a no- charge consultation that will be scheduled for a later date.
New Patient Forms
For your convenience, please fill out our secure online New Patient Form prior to your appointment.
Financial Information
It is our policy to collect the patient portion fee at the time of service. Patient portion fees can include your deductible and any co-insurance amounts not covered by your policy. You have the option of paying with cash, personal check, or credit card (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and Patient Financing Plan). We offer application assistance with Care Credit for intended use in our office, see application button below:
Cancellation Policy
Your time is valuable as is ours. We have reserved this time specially for you. If you are unable to keep your scheduled appointment, please provide us at least 48 hours notice.
Dental Insurance Information
Dental insurance is an agreement between you and your insurance company. As a courtesy to you we will submit claims and coverage estimates to your dental insurance if you provide us with a copy of your insurance card.
Patients are ultimately responsible for payment regardless of insurance reimbursement. However, we do require your portion of the bill to be paid at time of service. Please be aware that some, and perhaps all, of the services provided may be non-covered services and not considered reasonable and necessary under the dental insurance.
Three Rivers Dental is a child friendly practice. All of our team members are parents themselves. We usually start seeing children around 18 months. The initial appointment is a “happy visit,” which familiarizes children with the dental office, give them a ride in the dental chair and make it a fun first appointment. Dr. Evon Heaser will perform an exam if the child is compliant. We check for normal tooth development, health of teeth, and examine oral tissues. We also educate parents on age-appropriate homecare.
We strive to provide an upbeat comfortable office environment. Sometimes children may be uncooperative for numerous reasons. We do not want young children to have negative dental experiences. Therefore, we usually suggest uncooperative children seek treatment from a pediatric dentist. Appropriate referrals will be made with the consent of parents.
We ask that you refrain from bringing small children to your dental appointment. Children can interfere with our ability to provide you with timely comprehensive dental care. If you must bring your child along to your dental appointment, we kindly ask that your child be well behaved and not left unattended in the waiting room.
Our office is dedicated to excellence in patient care. We pride ourselves in giving you a wonderful dental experience that will have you telling your friends and family this is the place to be. We look forward to meeting you!